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If we don't fight for freedom and justice now, it will be the responsibility of our children.
21st Century Education

I believe that parents should have control of their child's education. The should money should follow the child and not the child following the money.  Common core is an impractical Washington policy and is over reaching bureaucratic failure.  We must have a forward thinking youth population.


Medical Freedom - "Patriot Care"

The United States has some of the top medical facilities, breakthrough and quality access in the world, but some only focus on the negative. I agree, we need an entire revitalization of our health care system. We need to get the middle men out of the way and provide direct doctor to patient system. The ability to negotiate your services in a free market allow ingenuity, competing prices that end up lowering costs and benefitting everybody besides those who want to prey on sick people. We must celebrate our economic opportunities as Americans, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for sincere reform of our systems.  My healthcare plan is a free and fair market stance called...

"Patriot Care"

These are the ABC’s to my 5 Part Platform which extend to many various areas of the healthcare market

1)      Accountability – The courts need to make it easier to prosecute those who are violating public safety. I will open up the conversation to co-sponsor any legislation allowing individuals justice for malpractice and hold those who are negligent to be held accountable. Among a list of incompetent safety issues by professionals, I believe the people of the North Country deserve to hold those doctors accountable for negligently misinforming individuals about how addictive opiate pain killers which opened the door for heroin abuse. Less than a half dozen doctors were arrested in our region, but many more were prescribing painkillers like candy.

2)      Break up Monopolies – Price Fixing and Gouging Need to Stop! – Centralized planning in Washington, such as Obamacare, minimize options for the citizens of America. Any of the insurance companies, pharmaceuticals companies and individuals or organizations trying to buy across state and international lines forcing ingenuity, real market competition and crony capitalism has destroyed everything it has come in contact with. The power and authority of the Food and Drug Administration needs to be acknowledged and minimized.

3)      Continued Research and Funding – – I will not cut spending to drug abuse treatment centers and I will continue voting YES for funding for research and progress of mental breakthroughs. . I will also promote any funding to combat the public health problems associated with ticks including Lyme Disease in the Adirondacks. I will also not vote to remove any funding from Medicare, pre Obamacare administration. Our most vulnerable need to feel strong and I want to fight for them.

4)      Deregulate – Anytime the government touches something, prices tend to increase, especially when there is no way to negotiate a lower price such as in Medicare Part D. The entire system has been inflated. Any and all taxes to health care facilities beginning should be embraced. The less regulation on getting facilities started, the more access, and the more access, the healthier the people - People and medical groups need to have more medical freedom (organizational abilities) through cost sharing and wholesaling programs.

5)      Expand Access - Decentralization and Devolution of Responsibility- The control in Albany and Washington is too strong and it’s been going on for too long. The central planning and legislation are rarely protections of the individual safety or encouraging their freedom of choice, but controlling policy written by the same people profiting from selling us high prescriptions and healthcare service. I believe in regional systems need to be empowered through block grants and voucher systems whose ultimately goal is to be free of government assistance.


The Adirondacks are beautiful and we must preserve our environment. We must make sure that Clean Water is our priority in the North Country. Our water sources have been contaminated by companies which have left the area and are under threat from invasive species.

Economic Freedom

"No New Taxes" is a great phrase to live by as a politician. As your congressman, I would do anything in my power not to raise any taxes on the middle and working class. I plan to remove as many taxes as possible and I will go as repealing the 16th amendment if there is support. Upstate New York need to be revitalized and able to thrive and government stands in the way.


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